Saturday, August 10, 2019

What I Did Over My Summer Vacation

I went to Deadly Ink!
Though I've been away from Coffee Light for quite awhile I'm very pleased to be back. I've been doing a lot of reading and a lot of mystery reading and I hope to start doing some writing about mysteries again, too.  
One of my big inspirations to get going again was the Deadly Ink conference in New Jersey last weekend. I had the great good fortune to meet at least a dozen mystery writers. There were writers of cozy mysteries, writers about crime and urban grit and writers of mysteries set in historic eras or with science fiction themes far into the future. I enjoyed the panels, the presentations and most of all, an entire weekend devoted to writing and mystery novels. It's a small conference, so there was a great opportunity to talk to many of the participants. I was anxious attending without knowing anyone there, but by the second day I felt very much at home. 
Right now I'm finishing The Lost Man by Jane Harper, set in the Australian Outback. It will be the next book featured here. After that it's a fun, cozy read with Murder, She Knit, by Peggy Ehrhart. I met Peggy at Deadly Ink and intrigued by her Knit and Nibble Mystery series. It's not noir, but it looks like a lot of fun. 
What have you been reading over the summer? Hope there is a mystery or two on your list.
Thanks for visiting and happy reading!   


  1. So happy I popped over here. I adore mystery books!

  2. Hi Buttercup! Thanks for stopping at my blog and commenting! I love to read, and not really any certain genre. I'm not huge on mystery books, but have read a few. I'll have to try some of the ones you show here!

  3. Hi Buttercup, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I love cozy mysteries and will return to surf your blog again soon.
