Friday, July 16, 2021

And the Winner Is...

 There is a winner for the Mystery Giveaway, 

but first a little mystery chat.

On Wednesday I made a quick trip to Riverside Park to see the goats who will be having a working vacation there this summer. Despite the heat it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed taking lots of goat photographs. For the last two days I've had goats on my mind and it got me to thinking, "Is there a mystery (or series) that involves goats?" I thought it was pretty unlikely, but to my surprise, please meet...  Murder, She Goat

I haven't read it, but if you're a cozy fan, looking for a farm theme, this looks like a fun read. It's a two book series, with good reviews on Amazon.  

The winner of two mystery novels is Jeanie at Marmelade Gypsy. I'll be sending The Beckett Factor and Murder at the Masque. There will be another winner at Welcome to Buttercupland, and I'll be doing the post there in the next little while. 

Congratulations to Jeanie and keep cool wishes to all of Coffee Light. It's a great time to find a cool spot, get an icy drink and do some reading. What's at the top of your To-Read list? 

As ever, thanks for visiting and happy reading! 


  1. I should have known that Jeanie would be one of your followers ... two of my favorite bloggers had to know each other! LOL

    Back in the way off time when I actually worked for a living, LOL, I directed a production of The Little Robber Girl. It required several live animals, one of them was a goat. Various farmers were hit up for loans and the animals were a terrific addition to the production. When it came time to collect the animals, the owner of the goat never came. I made repeated calls to no avail. So, I took him home, named him Billy and created a goat pen in my back yard. Totally against all codes, but nobody complained and I never got sent to jail.

    My reason for this story: not only did I learn the myth of a goat will eat anything is absolutely true, but I learned the reason for the metaphor 'smells like a goat.' Whoo-eee!

    1. We once had a chicken in our living room in Hartford, but that's a story for another post.

  2. I am absolutely thrilled -- both books sound so good! And I'll be sending my address today -- thank you!
